Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ahhhhh - time off is here!

So today was my last day of work until February.  It will be hard to let go, however I know that it is what we need to do for important bonding time with Sarah.  It is a blessing that I will be able to take January off and Jay gets 2 paid weeks so he will be having those in January also!  We plan to play a lot, maybe do a trip up to VA and do some fun things around town.  I am so looking forward to this fun time!

We met with our social worker regarding our home study this week.  It looks like everything is a go to get things rolling by the beginning of January.  Timing couldn't be better.  We begin our first meetings the first week of January and if things go as planned (which I never hold my breath on that idea) we should get everything done and the adoption will be final by the end of January.  The finality of the process will be a huge relief.  I knew this would be stressful, but I guess until you are in the throws of it you don't really know.  It is probably similar to having a birth for the first time.  You think you know how it will be by reading the books, talking to other moms, etc. but until you have that child you really don't really know.

Sarah will be with her Nanna and Great Grandma over the holiday weekend.  Originally we were going to have her Christmas morning, but her Aunt (who she has always lived with) was very sad over the fact that she was not going to be there.  Nanna asked if they could do one last Christmas morning with her.  I figure we have the rest of her life to have Christmas morning, we can give them this one.  We will have her most of this week, though which will be nice.

Unfortunately when I got her today she seemed a bit feverish and not feeling very well.  Realized we didn't have an appropriate thermometer to check her for fever.  Oops!  The only Children's Tylenol we had expired in 2005.  Oops again!  See, these are the things that we forget about when our kids get older.  That and toddler speak.  I have had to try and become an expert at that again too!  After a quick trip to the drug store, we have discovered that she has a low grade fever and a trip to the doctor is in our plan for tomorrow.  Poor Sarah!

What more have we relearned from being with Sarah?  Bath time is FUN!  Dora the Explorer shouldn't be watched with the sarcastic 16 year old (though very comical).  Sometimes you NEED Choc-o-late at 9 o'clock in the morning and sometimes cookies make your tummy feel better.  Buddy (the dog) can't play with the i-pod.  Waking up to a 2 year old singing and "reading" her books is joyful.  Looking at dresses online is addicting.  Hearing the words "mamma Cindy" and "Daddy Jay" can be the sweetest words on the planet.  Yep - we are making ONE MORE STEP.

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